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Equality & Diversity Policy

Keep On Your Feet is a small business made up of the full-time owner and a few contracted team members who assist with administrative tasks. 

This unfortunately makes the statistics look terrible for our equality and diversity, however, we really do welcome everybody. 

It would be our greatest pleasure to have a diverse team representing the business, but currently, this is just not how things have turned out. 


As for our patients, we welcome patients from all walks of life, but as stated elsewhere on the website: Keep On Your Feet currently only offers treatments for adults who are 18 years or over. Put another way, we do not treat any minors under the age of 18. Although, we can provide advice to parents if they need it.


As time progresses, we hope to grow and develop the clinic and be able to demonstrate our dedication to equality and diversity and, as and when roles become available, we will be happy to welcome everyone whether they are members of the BAME community, LBGTQIA community, have a disability or belong to any other community or walk of life. 


Please get in touch if you have any queries, questions or complaints regarding our equality & diversity policies:

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